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Remember the bushfires? Survivors feel forgotten because of coronavirus

ABC News

by Nicole Asher and Ashlee Aldridge

Sun Apr 26 2020 02:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

It has been a tough few months for Josh Collings since his home in Victoria's north-east was burnt to the ground in January's bushfires: the rubble was only cleared last week.

Mr Collings said he had been told it would only take contractors three to four days to clear his rubble away, but it took them two weeks.

"It's taking a lot longer than we were told it would, or we expected, but it is coming along," Mr Collings, who lives in Cudgewa, said.

Despite the extra time and the wait for help, Mr Collings feels like he is one of the lucky ones among those who lost their homes in the fires, with many others still waiting for a clean-up and other kinds of assistance.

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